Week 1: Timeline

1920 – Benno von Archimboldi born in Prussia

1956 – Piero Morini born near Naples

1961 – Jean-Claude Pelletier is born

1964 – The Berlin Underworld is published in Rome

1968 – Liz Norton is born

1969 – Colossimo translates The Leather Mask

1971 – Rivers of Europe is published in Italy

1973 – Inheritance is published in Italy

1975 – Railroad Perfection is published in Italy

1976 – Morini reads Archimboldi for the first time

25 Dec 1980 – Jean-Claude Pelletier reads Archimboldi for the first time

1981 – Pelletier discovers two more Archimboldi books

1983 – Pelletier begins translating D’Arsonval

1984 – Pelletier’s translation of D’Arsonval is published in Paris

1986 – Pelletier is a professor of German in Paris

1988 – Morini translates Bifurcaria Bifurcata into Italian

1988 – Liz Norton lives in Berlin for three months, first reads Archimboldi

1989 – Pelletier and Morini meet at a conference in Leipzig

1990 – Manuel Espinoza receives his doctorate in German literature

1990 – Pelletier and Morini meet Espinoza at a forum in Zurich

1991 – Morini translates Saint Thomas into Italian

1991 – Espinoza sees Pelletier at a conference in Maastricht

1992 – Pelletier, Espinoza, and Morini meet at a seminar in Augsburg

January 1992 – Pelletier and Espinoza attend a conference in Paris

1993 – Pelletier, Espinoza, and Morini attend a conference in Bologna

1994 – Morini, Pelletier, Espinoza, and Norton first meet at a German literature conference in Bremen

December 1994 – the four critics attend a conference in Avignon

1995 – the four critics attend a conference in Amsterdam

1996 – the four critics attend a conference in Salzburg

December 1996 – Morini has a nightmare about Norton diving into a pool

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